
Correctional Service: No document issued regarding Nasheed

Maldives Correctional Service has said that it has not issued any document regarding former President Mohamed Nasheed’s sentence.

Nasheed has been sentenced to 13 years in prison for terrorism.

He was placed under house arrest for two months, and transferred back to prison by Maldives Correctional Service on Sunday night.

Maldives Correctional Service said in a statement following rumours that Nasheed had been informed in writing that the remaining part of his sentence would be carried out under house arrest, that Nasheed was placed under house arrest for eight months, and has been transferred back to prison at the end of this period.

Nasheed’s legal team filed a case to Criminal Court claiming that his transfer back to prison was unlawful.

Nasheed was temporarily transferred to house arrest on 21 June 2015 following doctors’ advice, to place him in a “stress-free environment”.

Maldives Correctional Service said that he was taken back to prison last night, also after seeking doctors’ advice.

Nasheed was sentenced to 13 years in prison in March 2015 for ordering the abduction in 2012, during his presidency, of Chief Judge of Criminal Court Abdulla Mohamed.
