A total of 99 resorts in the Maldives have taken part in the international 3R standard (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) to reduce the environmental impacts.
At the 3R Forum that began in Dharubaaruge today, the Government was represented on the Malé 3R Declaration by the Environment Minister, Thoariq Ibrahim. And the resorts were represented by the Chairman of the Maldives Association for Tourism Industries (MATI), Mohamed Umar Manik.
The orgnaizers of the summit says that under the agreement signed today, resorts would establish and implement a safe waste management process. And with the establishment of a waste management standard would benefit many people and in turn, the tourism industry.
Speaking at the today’s ceremony, the Director General of the Environment Ministry said that while 99 of the 106 resorts in the country has taken part in the declaration, other resorts would also be taking part in it in the future.
He said that tourists visit the Maldives to see the beauty of the country’s oceans and lagoons and under the agreement, efforts would be put into the protection of those places.
The 3R Forum that began today would continue up to Wednesday. 33 countries have taken part in the 3R Forum for waste management in the Asia Pacific.
A total of 141 diplomats are taking part in the forum including eight ministers, four state ministers, one mayor and a governor. Other than the representatives from the countries, 111 members from different organizations make up a total of 250 participants in this forum.
The Regional 3R Forum was organized one a year in the Asia Pacific region by the United Nations Center for Regional Development (UNCRD) and the Japanese Government. The Forum in the Maldives is the sixth forum in the series.