
Atoll Houses are being repaired to be used as state guesthouses

Home Ministry has begun repairs of the Atoll Houses across the country to be used as “State Guesthouses.”

While there are 20 Atoll Houses to be repaired, the Home Ministry would begin with the repairs of five of them under the project.

Speaking at the press conference at the Home Ministry today, Minister Umar Naseer said that the project would go under the supervision of the Home Ministry. And after they are completed, it would be given to the Atoll Councils.

“The Atoll Houses are now heavily damaged. But they are places if used properly; those things could benefit the atolls and islands. The profit would be seen once it’s in use after repairs.” Home Minster Umar Naseer.

The Minister said that those places would be used as “state guesthouses.” And so 14 levels of people have been established to use that place and every level of people must pay the rent. The place is to be allowed to use by different level of the government and clubs and societies.

The repairs have now begun in five atolls. They are Dhaalu. Atoll, Haa.Alify. Atoll, Raa. Atoll, Laamu. Atoll and Haa. Dhaalu. Atoll. Home Minister Umar said that it would cost about MVR five million to repair the Atoll Houses in these five atolls and the budget for the rest of the atolls are included in the annual budget for next year.
