
Bill of forgiving traffic fines have been passed

The amendment presented by the Government to the Land Transportation Law forgiving the fine for parking stickers and license suspension has been passed by the Parliament in today’s session.

The amendment passed with the vote of all the members in attendance. The amendment would take effect after the president ratifies the bill.

The amendment says that the fines pending for driving without a license and license suspension for any reason would be forgiven.

The Economic Committee that researched the bill omitted some articles from the bill during the research process. And so the Article no. 49 has been completely omitted from the bill.

The amendment says that the annual fee for vehicles driven by the handicapped would be excluded all together.

The amendment to the Land Transportation Law by the Government says that any vehicle can be parked at a designated parking stop by the Ministry or an entity assigned by the Ministry to a maximum of seven days.

The Police have been given the authority to remove such a vehicle if it has not been moved.

If a vehicle has been removed, the information about the said vehicle has to be publicized within 24 hours. And the owner of the vehicle is given 60 days to claim it.

And if the vehicle has not been claimed in that duration, the Police have been given the authority to sell the vehicle in an open bid.
