MWSC has resolved the sewage water leak at the junction of Izzuddheen Magu near the Housing Ministry.
Three days ago, when the leak first started, the strong stench was at the Housing Ministry area. The junction collects the waste from the cafés at the South West Harbor.
The Manager of the Customer Service, Mohamed Fazeel at Malé Water and Sewage Company (MWSC) managing the sewage system in the city said that the sewage leak in the area has been resolved and cleaned up today.
“It is resolved now, now the water from the cafés won’t leak, cleaning with the chlorine and everything in the area has been completed.” Fazeel said.
He said that such problems occur when the junctions are blocked.
While a sewage leaks have come up, there was a sewage leak at Dhilbahaaru Magu and at Faashanaakileyge Magu in Galolhu on 15 June polluting the areas.