
Histo and two others assigned as members of HRCM by the committee

The Independent Institutes Committee of the Parliamed has assigned the former MP for the Mid-Fuvamulah constituency, Shifaq Mufeedh (Histo) and two others as members of the Human Rights Commission of the Maldives (HRCM).

A member from the Independent Institutes Committee told Sun Media tonight that all three names were approved on last Wednesday’s meeting of the committee. And all three scored above 75 percent in the selection process.

The names send by President Yamin for members of the HRCM are Shifaq Mufeed, Aishath Afureen Mohamed and Aishath Eenash.

A total of 33 people applied to be members of the HRCM.

Among the five members of the HRCM, President of the Commission, Mariyam Azra Ahmed, member Ahmed Tholhath and Jeehan Mohamed have their terms ending on 17 August.

While the President has sent the name of Shifaq for a member of the HRCM, he signed to the governing party PPM on 25 March.

Shifaq Mufeesh (Histo) who first got elected as an MP on the MPD ticket signed to PPM the first time on 5 May 2012. He left PPM and joined JP during the Presidential Election on 28 July 2013.
