
Lawyers: We don

Lawyers of the former President Mohamed Nasheed has said that they don’t believe there is the opportunity to appeal President Nasheed’s 13 year prison sentence and the law does not allow the appeal now.

The former Youth Minister, Hassan Latheef who is now part of President Nasheed’s legal team told Sun Media today that there are time periods to appeal cases and looking at the current law, it is the duration of 10 days. And so, he said that the duration for an appeal has passed. And said that he does not believe there is a chance for an appeal after the date has passed.

“The reason for saying is that with the new amendment, the High Court’s will has been deducted. And so we don’t believe that High Court has that power.” Hassan said.

President Nasheed sent a letter to President Yamin in the past week asking to reduce his sentence. And President Yamin responded to the letter saying that a decision about reducing the sentence can be made after the appeal process has been completed.

“We (lawyers) can go to court with the appeal form. Then they would decide to accept it or not if they have that power. They might accept it. If it is to be presented and things to do while presenting it would be decided not by a lawyer. That would be decided by the client. In this case, that is President Nasheed, but President Nasheed would decide for it because President Yamin is saying so.” Hassan said.

President Nasheed was sentenced to 13 years in prison for ordering the unlawful arrest of the Chief Judge of the Criminal Court, Abdulla Mohamed as the Commander in Chief and President of the country.
