The preferred drink of Ramadan, watermelons, which a kilo was sold for MVR 25 two days ago, has dropped.
Two days before Ramadan, a watermelon kilo was sold for MVR 20. And while on the first day of holy month, the price was raised to MVR 25, the price today has dropped to MVR 22.
The largest import of watermelons from the atolls come from A.A. Thoddoo and sells to the market to MVR 16 – 17. Thoddoo brought in an estimate of 120 tons of watermelon to Malé in the first three days of Ramadan.
Some of the merchants selling watermelon say that the prices rose because the price from the travellers went up as well. And even today, some travellers are selling a kilo of watermelon at MVR 18 and 19 and the merchants are selling it at MVR 22.
A merchant from K. Kaashidhoo selling watermelons said that every time the number of watermelons coming from Thoddoo drops, the prices would rise to at least MVR 25.