The state has decided to file an appeal case in relation to the release on Friday, of the two individuals accused of bringing drugs in to the country concealed in a box of vegetables.
The two suspects were released after police were unable to enter Justice Building, where Criminal Court is located, by the time the 24-hour arrest period passed.
The Constitution states that persons who are arrested should be brought within 24 hours before a judge who has the power to determine the validity of the detention, to release them with or without conditions, or to order their continued detention.
Access to Justice Building is managed by the Department of Judicial Administration (DJA).
DJA spokesperson said that Justice Building is opened on Fridays at 2:00 p.m., and a special request must be made if access to the building is required earlier than 2:00 p.m. He said that no such request was made last Friday.
He added that the Criminal Court could have arranged the detention period hearing at Fanhiya Building, which is managed by the court.
Criminal Court spokesperson Ahmed Mohamed Manik said that the police, who waited until the last minute to take the suspects to court, should be held responsible for their release.
Police could have taken them to court during the day on Thursday or Thursday night, said Ahmed Mohamed Manik.
Police said that the court has issued a travel ban for the two suspects, and that the case is under investigation by their Drug Enforcement Department.