
Classes will not be allowed to continue during Ramadan, warns Education Ministry

The Ministry of Education has warned that it will put an end to classes being held for the grades that have been suspended for Ramadan,

The Ministry earlier instructed schools to suspend classes for grades 9 and below, including pre-school, during Ramadan.

Minister of State for Education Adam Shareef told Sun Online that the Ministry had received reports to indicate that classes are ongoing at some schools for the suspended grades.

He said that the schools are nonetheless allowed to hold extra-classes during this period for students who need special attention.

Principal of Iskandar School Hussain Saeed told Sun Online that special classes are ongoing for weak students, for eight hours every week.

Principal of Raa Alifushi School Fayaz also said that extra-classes, as permitted by the Ministry, are ongoing at the school.

Education Ministry said during a press conference just before Ramadan, that it had decided after discussions with senior officials of several schools, to suspend classes for grades 9 and below during Ramadan because it is not productive to have students attend school every day for a few hours during this period.
