The Maldivian flight to Thaa Thimarafushi scheduled for today was cancelled due to tidal waves flooding the airport and the subsequent accumilation of debris on the airport's runway.
Ali Nashaath, Maldivian’s Head of Administration told Sun Online today that Thimarafushi Airport's runway was cleared from debris after being flooded on Wednesday, but the flight for today had to be cancelled after the tidal waves continued since Wednesday evening.
Nashaath said Maldivian is hoping for conditions to improve to begin flights tonight. However, Maldives Metrological Service (Met Office) has said that tidal waves will continue to hit Thimarafushi for the rest of today.
“This not something that we can prevent from happening,” said Nashaath. Maldivian was scheduled to fly a single flight to Thimarafushi today.
Thimarafushi Island Council issued a tidal wave warning earlier on Wednesday and the island took precautions to protect the power house and other key areas. Thimarafushi Council President Hussain Shareef said waves have washed up a large amount of coral and debris onto the airport’s runway.
“We warned the people earlier, so the houses were spared from worst of the damage. But sand and rubble had washed up on a large part of the airport,” said Hussain Shareef.
Met Office has said that different areas of the country will experience tidal waves during the onset of the rainy southwest monsoon.
Islands Rathafandhoo and Maathoda in Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll and Gaadhiffushi in Thaa Atoll also experienced tidal waves on Wednesday.
Waves in some areas may persist for days, Met Office said earlier.