
Salaf advises against Maldivian troops

Religious NGO Jamiyyathul Salaf has urged the government to recall its decision to deploy Maldivian troops to join United Nations (UN) peacekeeping operations.

In a statement issued today, Salaf said that UN peacekeeping troops would be forced to fight against Muslims, and participation by Maldivians in military efforts against Muslims is, regardless of the circumstances, unacceptable.

Salaf expressed deep concern and censured the decision, and said that this should not be allowed under Maldivian law.

The government signed an agreement with the UN on 28 May regarding participation by Maldives in UN peacekeeping operations.

The agreement allows the participation of military observers and an infantry platoon in UN missions by Maldives, but the actual participation by Maldivian troops in UN peacekeeping operations will not come into effect until decided by the government.
