
Maumoon resigns from JP council

Maumoon Abdul Samad has resigned from Jumhoory Party's (JP) governing council.

Speaking to Sun Online today, Maumoon said a motion was put forth to the council, before he resigned, to remove him from the council.

Maumoon was also dismissed from the party’s Registrar position during the recent parliamentary election. The dismissal, carried out by a special committee assembled by the party’s leader Gasim Ibrahim, was against the party’s regulation, Maumoon said.

“In 2009, Gasim Ibrahim told me that I will get the JP ticket for parliament. But Gasim gave the Dhangethi ticket to Ilham.”

“I was penalized after my younger brother stood for election for (Dhangethi) constituency as an independent. That too, by a committee that he (Gasim Ibrahim) selected, against fundamental regulations,” said Maumoon.

Maumoon also condemned JP’s recent cooperation with opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) in an effort for Gasim Ibrahim to gain the parliament speakership.

JP’s former Secretary General Fuad Gasim also resigned from the party’s governing council on Wednesday, over discontent with the party’s recent close relations with MDP.
