Vice President of the Elections Commission (EC) Ahmed Fayaz Hassan has refuted the reports that the second round of the election will be held on Saturday, 28 September.
Fayaz told Sun Online that the five-member commission will follow the Supreme Court ruling, and that it will not hold the election on Saturday.
Fayaz said that the commission’s stand is to hold the election as decided by the seven judges of the Supreme Court.
He said that President of the EC Fuad Thaufeeg would take responsibility for his remarks, and that he contacted Fuad upon hearing this rumour.
Fayaz said that Fuad told him that ‘efforts are under way, God willing, to hold the election on Saturday’.
Fuad was not available for a comment at the time of press.
In response to questions posed by Dr Hassan Saeed, lawyer representing Jumhooree Party (JP) in court yesterday, Fuad Thaufeeg said that the election will not be held in violation of the Supreme Court order, but the preparations for the election will proceed in anticipation of another Supreme Court ruling.
The Supreme Court issued an injunction on Monday, to delay the second round of the presidential election scheduled for 28 September 2013 by the Elections Commission.