It has been revealed that the Civil Service Commission paid a total MVR 37,895.81 against the law, for phone charges incurred by the members of the commission in 2012.
The Auditor General’s 2012 audit report of the Civil Service Commission (CSC) stated that the commission had illegally paid MVR 37,895.81 for the member’s phone charges, that this had been repeated for the past two years and that the commission had been asked to rectify the issue in each of the audit reports for the past two year.
In the report, the Auditor General recommends that the illicit amounts be sought back and deposited in the State’s public bank account.
Another discrepancy noted in the 2012 CSC Audit Report states that the commission had acted against the Public Finance Act when in 2011, the commission had signed a project worth $136,598 with a foreign party to review the organizational structure of 14 different government ministries.
“The agreement did not stipulate important conditions such as a reduction from the total payment in the event where the delivering party was unable to conclude the project within the agreed time frame, or that steps to be taken if the work was not progressing according to the agreed plan,” the report stated.
The Auditor General had recommended the Civil Service Commission to rectify the issues highlighted in the report and to keep their transactions within the boundaries of the Public Finance Act.