Godzine Sargsyan, the French citizen who was recently arrested for allegation of having connections with the notorious conmen Artur brothers, has been permanently deported from the Maldives.
Sun has received confirmation of the deportation from the police.
The two Armenian conmen, the Artur brothers, accused of drug trafficking and other illegal activities in different countries around the world, were reported to have recently come to the Maldives.
State has accused the Godzine Sargsyan of deception, assault and battery, and of submitting false documents to State institutions.
Accused of illegal activities in different countries around the world, Godzine Sargsyan is also a shareholder of the “Artur Brothers World Connection”, a company established by the Artur brothers in the Maldives.
The chairman of their company, Artur Sargsyan had left the country soon after reports of their dealings in the Maldives started circulating in the media.