Former Attorney General Husnu Al Suood has accused former Judge of Supreme Court and former President of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) Mujthaz Fahmy, Presidential Candidate of the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and Mulaku MP Abdullah Yameen, and Dhiggaru MP Ahmed Nazim of influencing judges.
Suood heavily criticised JSC at a press conference held today at his law firm regarding the suspension of Chief Judge of High Court Ahmed Shareef.
“I understand that Judicial Service Commission is presently under the control of some ‘dark groups’. JSC is being influenced by groups with political interests. This, as we believe, is something we didn’t accept even when we compiled the draft of the Constitution,” said Suood, who is also the president of the Maldives Bar Association.
Suood said that Nazim had assured that certain judges will be appointed to certain positions. He said that several ‘deals’ have been made to ‘install’ certain judges to certain position in order to achieve certain purposes, and in this regard, he had been informed that Chief Judge of Criminal Court Abdullah Mohamed will be appointed as the chief judge of Civil Court ‘before certain decisions are finalised’.
He said that he had also been informed that Criminal Court Judge and JSC Member appointed by Superior Courts Abdullah Didi will be appointed as the chief judge of Criminal Court.
Suood said that efforts were under way to transfer the two ‘best’ judges of Civil Court, Judge Aishath Sujoon and Judge Mariyam Nihayath to Drug Court.
“These things are about to take place as part of a plan. Judges are about to be installed as per the wishes of some people. Judicial Service Commission should not be accused or suspected of such things. They have to be free of these things,” he said.
Suood went on to say that the entire judiciary is being controlled by Mujtaz Fahmy, who contacts judges and asks them to expedite certain cases. He said that similarly, Mulaku MP Abdullah Yameen contacts judges of the High Court.
Suood said that his accusations are not targeted at any judges; rather, they are targeted at groups that are not related to courts.
He said that information provided by judges includes sufficient evidence to prove these claims, and that he would prove these claims and file cases against those who influence judges to the relevant authorities.
Following Suood’s accusations, Mujthaz Fahmy said that he had never tried to influence a judge in relation to a court case; however, the judges who he worked with for many years ‘care’ for him.
Mujthaz Fahmy said that the reason behind Suood’s accusations is that Suood had ‘challenged’ him and ‘failed’.
“I don’t interfere with court processes or the role of judges. Since I worked in that sector for so many years, I have friends. I do talk to those judges, and they care about me,” he said.
When asked by SMS for a comment regarding Suood’s accusations, Yameen replied, “Suood lives in an imaginary world.”
It has not yet been possible to obtain Nazim’s comment, as there is no answer on his phone.