
DRP Congress:
DRP ticket to be given without primary

The Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) Congress has passed that the party’s Council can give the DRP ticket to Councillors and MPs who wish to contest in elections for a second term.

This amendment, which means that no primary is necessary for a member to obtain the DRP ticket to contest in a general election for a second term, was passed through voting at the ongoing DRP Congress.

Members who supported this amendment said that the services of those who were elected on DRP ticket and remain as members of DRP must be recognised, and that it would not be a problem to give them the ticket without holding a primary, if passed by the Council.

Members who opposed the amendment said that it would close all doors for other members who wish to get the DRP ticket.

The Congress has also passed that the Council would decide on the procedure to follow in the event that the party is to be dissolved. The Basic Regulation presently states that this shall be decided by the Congress.

Members will also be elected to the post of DRP Deputy Leader, at the Congress which is attended by about 700 members and will go on until Thursday.
