Adhaalath Party has said that the 15 year old girl from Shaviyani Feydhoo accused of fornication was convicted and sentenced to 100 lashes by the court because she had confessed to having consensual premarital sex.
A press statement released by Adhaalath party stated that some parties have tried to mislead the public by saying that the girl was sentenced for sexual abuses she faced by her stepfather, but said that the court sentenced her to lashes for her confession to having consensual premarital sex.
The statement further said that no Muslim shall criticize a sentence passed by a judicial court, especially in a country that has a 100 percent Muslim population. It stated that such actions will encourage the enemies of Islam, will cause the public to be misled, and will serve as an opportunity to those who seek to distort the truth about the properly designated sentences.
Adhaalath Party said that they grieve for the girl for whatever physical or psychological harm that she might have suffered from her guardians and called upon the state to administer the proper punishments designated in Islam to those who had committed her harm.
United Nations has also expressed concern over the sentence of 100 lashes for the 15-year-old girl convicted of fornication. President Dr. Mohamed Waheed has said that he will try to review the case.