The Criminal Court has said that the trial against the people charged with terrorism following the arson attacks on state property in Addu City and Gdh. Thinadhoo on 8 February 2012, can only be held if the necessary budget can be obtained.
Media Official of Criminal Court Ahmed Mohamed Manik said today that the trials against the large group of people accused of arson can only be conducted if the court can visit the islands.
He said that statements have to be obtained from all except for three people involved in the arson attacks in Addu City, and that the court needs to visit Addu City in order to obtain statements from all suspects.
Moreover, he said that the trial against the 89 suspects involved in the arson attacks in Gdh. Thinadhoo can only be conducted by visiting the island, and that the Department of Judicial Administration (DJA) had been requested to provide the funding and resources required to achieve this.
He said that Criminal Court worked towards completing the trials by the end of last year, but this had not been possible because the department had not accorded the due cooperation.
An official of DJA said that over MVR 4 million is required for the trips and other expenses related to these trials, and that Finance Ministry had not yet responded to the request made in this regard at the end of last year.
Finance Minister Abdullah Jihad said today the funds as requested by DJA will be provided in the coming week.
When asked if funds exist for this, Jihad said that it can be facilitated through the contingency budget.
The state property in Addu that sustained damage in the arson attacks include the Gan Police Station, Feydhoo Magistrate Court, Hithadhoo Magistrate Court, Hithadhoo Police Station, Hulhudhoo Magistrate Court, Hithadhoo Police Training School and Police Accommodation block, Hithadhoo Prosecutor General’s Office, a café and vehicles used by the Police Station.
The state property in Gdh. Thinadhoo that sustained damage in the arson attacks include Gdh. Atoll Council Office, Thinadhoo Magistrate Court, Thinadhoo Police Station and the vehicles used there.