The body of corpse has washed ashore an uninhabited island named Kumburu located between Gaafu Alif Gemanafushi and Gaafu Alif Kanduhulhudhoo.
Gemanafushi Council President Asim Mohamed said that the body was discovered by a group from Gemanafishu who were visiting the island today.
He said that two teams, one from Gemanfushi council and one from the police went to the island at 11:23 am, and that they are currently working at the scene.
He said that the body that drifted ashore belonged to a male, was wearing a boiler-suit, and has a life jacket fastened around it. He said that only the skull remains of the head and that bits of flesh from its legs have also been torn off.
“It was wearing a boiler-suit. A life jacket was fastened too. The skull was the only part visible from the head. Pieces of muscle from the arms and legs were torn off,” Asim said.
He said that from the information on its life jacket, it can be deciphered that the man belonged to a Vietnamese boat “Saigon Queen” that capsized had along off the coast of Sri Lanka sometime during the afternoon of 30th of October last year.
Asim said that 22 people were reported to be on the boat when it capsized and 4 of them have never been found.
He said that the body will be buried after a police team from Gaafu Alif Vilingili attends the scene and carries out their investigation.
Police Media Official Hassan Haneef confirmed that a corpse has washed ashore an island and that police were attending the scene.
On 29th of last month, mutilated half a body washed ashore an island named Kondeyvilingili near Gaafu Alif Kondey.