Adhaalath Party has set up a Committee to work towards saving the country from its current situation. The Committee of seven, headed by the Party President, has the authority to carry out any activity which does not conflict with the Constitution and party rules.
President of Ahdaalath Party Imran Abdulla said that the Committee, which was set up tonight, includes Sheikh Ilyas Hussein, Sheikh Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed, Mohamed Ahmed, Mohamed Mu’tholib, Hussein Wafeer and Asadulla Shafiee.
Adhaalath Party said that the decision to set up this committee was made in order to save the country from the vulnerable situation it is in today. They also said that research will be done on the state of the country and steps will be taken accordingly.
They further said that they will fully support all activities within the Constitution and Islamic laws, to change the ways of the current autocratic regime whose actions are not in line with the law.