
Charges against ex-MP Nihan withdrawn

Former Vilimale' MP Ahmed Nihan Hussain Manik during a Jumhoory Party (JP) press conference on March 5, 2020. (Sun Photo/Ahmed Saeed)

Prosecutor General’s Office (PG Office) has withdrawn the charges against former MP Ahmed Nihan.

Sun has learned Nihan appealed for a review of the charges against him with the PG Office at the end of last year.

PG Office, following its review, has decided against proceeding with the case, roughly a month ago.

Sun has been unsuccessful in its efforts to obtain an official comment regarding withdrawal of the charges against Nihan.

Nihan had faced a string of charges for corruption during the last Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) administration, including two counts of accepting a bribe, two counts of seeking bribes, and money laundering charges. However, he was never convicted.

Meanwhile, Nihan was appointed Parliament’s new chief of bureau on Thursday. 
