
MP Shujau voted as parliament’s representative at Clemency Board

Baarah MP Ibrahim Shujau. (Photo/People's Majlis)

Parliament, on Tuesday, voted in favor of nominating Baarah MP Ibrahim Shujau as the parliament’s representative at the Clemency Board.

A motion put forth by the speaker’s table concerning the nomination of a representative of the parliament to the Clemency Board was tabled on the agenda of the third sitting of the 20th parliamentary assembly held on Tuesday. Main ruling PNC’s parliamentary group leader, Inguraidhoo MP Ibrahim Falah put forth Shujau’s name for the post, which was seconded by Vilimale’ MP Mohamed Ismail.

No other names were put forth during the window opened at Tuesday’s sitting to submit names.

Henceforth, a vote was asked on Shujau's nomination to the Clemency Board, as the parliament’s representative. He received approval with overwhelming support of 88 MPs in attendance.

Clemency Board comprises of 11 members including a representative from the parliament.

The parliamentary representative at the Clemency Board during the 19th parliamentary assembly had been then-Ihavandhoo MP Mohamed Shifau.

Shujau was elected to the Baarah seat in 2014’s parliamentary election and served as the parliamentary representative for the Baarah constituency from 2014 to 2019. He failed to defend the seat in 2019, losing the election to MDP’s Ahmed Abdulla. He later contested in the local council elections in 2021, winning the Hulhumale’ seat in Male’ City Council elections by a landslide.

He produced the best results in April’s parliamentary election by winning the highest number of votes. Shujau has also been appointed PNC’s senior deputy parliamentary group leader.

Parliament, on Monday, also voted in favor of nominating Maafushi MP Hussain Riza Adam, as the parliamentary representative at the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).
