
Biden's Gaza ceasefire proposal 'positive' — Hamas

Palestinians return to their homes following the withdrawal of the Israeli army from the Jabalia area in northern Gaza. (Photo/AA)

The Palestinian resistance group Hamas has stated that it has a positive view of the contents of a proposal announced by US President Joe Biden for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

Biden earlier on Friday laid out a three-phase ceasefire plan from Israel to Hamas to end the war in Gaza that has killed tens of thousands and caused a humanitarian crisis.

"Hamas confirms its readiness to deal positively and in a constructive manner with any proposal that is based on the permanent ceasefire and the full withdrawal [of Israeli forces] from the Gaza Strip, the reconstruction [of Gaza], and the return of the displaced to their places," the group said in a statement.

It added that it is ready for the "fulfillment of a genuine prisoner swap deal if the occupation clearly announces commitment to such deal."

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office said that Israel had authorised negotiators to present a Gaza truce deal after Biden revealed details of the ceasefire plan.

The proposal has three phases — the first spanning six weeks and includes a full cease-fire, the withdrawal of Israeli forces from populated areas in Gaza and the exchange of prisoners.

Around 125 people remain captive in Gaza, with many believed to be dead due to Israeli air strikes. Israel has also abducted thousands of Palestinians since October 7 last year.

Israel's extensive bombing of Gaza has killed 36,284 Palestinians, the majority of whom are women, children, and infants.

Over the course of the 238-day war, more than 82,057 individuals have been wounded, many of them severely.

Additionally, there are grave concerns that over 10,000 people remain buried beneath the rubble of their destroyed homes, their fate uncertain as rescue efforts continue amidst the ongoing devastation.


Source: TRT
