Deputy Manager of Ayady Takaful, Allied Insurance's Islamic window speaking at Thursday's press conference -- Sun Photo/ Naish Nahid
Allied Insurance Company's Islamic window, Ayady Takaful gears for a special promotion on Child Education Takaful with 50% discounts.
At the press conference held by Allied Insurance on Thursday, Ayady Takaful's Deputy Manager Fareedha Siththi said the promotion will commence on Friday, May 10, and last until June end.
She notified the first 50 customers seeking service under the promotion will receive a 50% discount on the first month's payment, with the remainder of the actual fee covered by Ayady Takaful.
Fareedha further revealed Ayady Takaful's Child Education is the most popular of their Takaful plans, which facilitates the creation of a fund for the child's future education.
The plan is opened for childen below the age of 10 years, and provides lifetime coverage. Moreover, the duration is calculated based on the child's age at the time the plan is effective.
Fareedha added the plan covers savings along with risks, and if the subscriber passes away, Ayady Takaful will cover the expenses of the plan's remaining period.
She also highlighted the plan can be beneficial by investing the money, but added the subscription payment will be higher if the plan's duration is short.