Criminal Court. (File Photo/Sun/Fayaz Moosa)
Criminal Court, on Sunday, has decided to resume online hearings with respect to trials and remand proceedings at the court.
The court, in a statement on Sunday, said its judges have decided to resume online hearings via video conferencing starting tomorrow in light of the fact that its server has been moved to a safe location.
The announcement read arrangements will also be made for journalists who wish to observe the hearings to participate online.
Criminal Court halted online hearings on January 11th following heavy rain which Maldives experienced early this year. The heavy rain caused water leaks which damaged the court’s electricity view and servers – resulting in network interruptions.
In light of this, the court said it was unable to hold online hearings as it undertakes efforts to switch its servers to a different building.
The Criminal Court is based in an extremely old building. Prior to this, a pillar of the building had collapsed. Moreover, the court, on various occasions, has had to temporarily cease its operations due to water leaks.