Last updated : 11 months ago

LIVE: President Solih’s press conference


The outgoing president Ibrahim Mohamed Solih is holding his first press conference after his defeat in the presidential election.

Preliminary results on the election runoff on Saturday show the opposition PPM-PNC candidate Dr. Mohamed Muizzu won 54 percent (129,159 votes), while MDP’s President Solih won 46 percent (109,868 votes).

President Solih conceded defeat and congratulated Muizzu shortly before midnight of Saturday, and met with the President-elect to discuss the transition of power on Sunday.

He also used his executive powers to transfer former president Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom, the opposition leader, from prison to his home in Male’.


He end the press conference.


The time hasn’t come for me to retire and stay home. There are a lot of ways I can contribute to this nation.


President Solih said he will use his experience and knowledge to do everything he can do for the country.

He said there’s a lot of ways he can contribute to the country.

He referred to his past career as a journalist, and said he could resume such work.


99 percent [of MDP] have said no [to Nasheed]. And no to parliamentary system.

President Solih


President Solih said Nasheed texted him and told him he was ready to rejoin MDP.

He said he makes all his decisions in the best interest of MDP.


President Solih said he has two requests from the incoming administration; good governance and refraining from stopping the development projects started during his term.

He said he regrets the fact that the Thilamale’ Bridge couldn’t be completed on time. He said the project was delayed due to various technical issues, and that it would have affected the results of the election, if the project had been completed.


Referring to Nasheed, President Solih said he does not find having a specific individual brought to the party important.


I do not plan on running for the Parliament.

President Solih


He said he does not believe in making changes to constrain the term the role of a president who is elected for a five-year term.

He said he does not support a change in system of governance at this time.


He said that no foreign country or agency had issued a statement of concern over anything related to Maldives the last five years.

He said that it was the best results of a foreign policy since 1965.

He said the Maldives has established diplomatic relations with multiple foreign countries over the last five years, and reinforced ties with neighbors.

He said that Maldives isn’t overly reliant on India, describing the assertion otherwise as a “misconception.”


I believe our foreign policy is the best that has been executed by any administration.

President Solih


President Solih said his political future doesn’t depend on anyone else.

He said he will remain resolute in strengthening MDP.


I will not stand by and watch MDP weakened and destroyed.

President Solih


President Solih said he decided against choosing his VP Faisal Naseem as his running mate again because he believed it best to choose someone from his own party.


President Solih said he is happy with his service in office.

He said that the work to bring development and the work to get elected are different.

He said he hadn’t worked to secure more votes, but to bring development to all islands, without discrimination.

He said he would have gotten more votes if he had targeted more populous islands, but chose the path that’s in the best interest of the nation.

“Why people vote, and the work to develop islands, isn’t directly linked. We did it, well aware of this fact,” he said.


I believe we have served the people in accordance with our pledges. I am happy with this.

President Solih


President Solih said he had not treated former president Yameen unfairly, or done anything in violation of the law.

He said that he will continue to maintain his practice of non-interference in the judiciary.

President Solih added that he will continue to reside in Maldives, and does not plan on moving overseas.

“There’s no reason why I should flee this country,” he said.


President Solih said he hasn’t done anything he cannot be accountable for, and is therefore not worried about any potential investigation.

He said his sole focus now is on uniting MDP, and that the question as to the future of his political career would have to wait, until then.


I haven’t done anything I can’t be accountable for.

President Solih


President Solih said that as a general rule, membership at MDP does not require the backing of 50 percent of the party’s national council. He said the same rules apply to former president Mohamed Nasheed, if he wishes to rejoin MDP.

He said the defeat in the first round of voting had been a huge blow to the confidence of supporters, and posed major challenges in the runoff, becoming the driving cause of the defeat.

“It will soon become clear that any agreement or any other decision we made was in the best interest of this nation,” he said.

He said his administration had faced major challenges due to the opposition’s allegations, which he called unfounded.

It will all become clear soon, he said.


“Rather than a position, I am currently working to boost the party’s unity. To unite the party. To make MDP a strong opposition party,” he said.


President Solih said he has already made his personal opposition to a parliamentary system clear.

He said he maintains his stand.

He said a change in the system of governance must be decided through a referendum.


President Solih said his current focus is on making MDP stronger and more responsible.

“Perhaps it’s a bit too soon to list my achievements in the past five years. But I want to note that I executed good governance. I established stability,” he said.

He listed the success in overcoming the Covid-19 pandemic and the establishment of water and sanitation services in islands as key achievements.


President Solih said that as promised, he is working to arrange for the president-elect to be sworn in on November 11, and is researching the legal challenges it could pose.


He thanked the people for giving him five years in office, and said he believes he provided valuable services during his term, despite the challenges.


President Solih says met with President-elect Muizzu on Sunday to discuss the transfer of power.

He said he hopes for a peaceful transition, and decided at the meeting to select a committee to oversee the transition process.


President Solih begins his press conference.


President Solih is set to begin his press conference soon.