Ahmed Irufan, 22, Ahimaage, F. Nilandhoo.
Family of a young man from F. Nilandhoo who was injured in a fall from the top of a palm tree on Monday reports he sustained a spinal fracture and cracked ribs, along with additional injuries, in the incident.
Ahmed Irufan, 22, Ahimaage, Nilandhoo, was on top of a palm tree approximately 50 feet high when he fell.
According to his family, Irufan is scheduled to undergo surgery to repair his broken leg on Tuesday.
The doctor said he suffered serious internal injuries, said the family.
“He has undergone a lot of tests. The tests show he has a vertebral fracture and cracked his ribs in two places,” said a family member.
The family is currently looking for blood to prepare for the surgery.
Irufan was transported to Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) in Male’ City due to lack of facilities at the F. Atoll Hospital. He was bleeding profusely from his nose and mouth when he was taken to IGMH.
His family said that the bleeding has been stopped, and his condition shows some sign of improvement.