The Indian high Commission in Male’ has notified Indians living in Male’ to take precautionary measures against snatching on the streets.
This notice was displayed on the Notice Board of the Indian High Commission located on Ameer Ahmed Magu.
The notice, written in English, says “several cases have been brought to our attention lately, of jewellery such as necklaces being snatched on the streets of Male’.” It also asks Indian expatriates to take precautionary measures against this, and avoid wearing jewellery when out on the streets.
When asked about why such a notice was displayed at such a location, where tourist-traffic is prominent and several government offices are located, Subash Agaruwal, The First Secretary of The Indian High Commission said that it is The High Commission’s responsibility to inform Indian expatriates of such complaints.
“The notice was displayed because snatching has become frequent, and we receive complaints in this regard. It is The High Commission’s responsibility to protect Indians living in Male’,” the newly appointed First Secretary Agaruwal said.
While Indians living in Male’ are asked to be more precautious, Maldivians living in India are facing problems such as more stringent rules in obtaining a visa. India has also recently made the decision not to grant dependant visa for Maldivians living in India.