Foreign Minister, President-elect of the 76th session of UNGA Abdulla Shahid captured speaking at a convening of the UN General Assembly. (Photo/UN)
Foreign Minister Abdulla Shahid has announced his intention to establish a youth fellowship program in his capacity as the President-elect of the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly which is aimed at training youth diplomats and civil servants.
In a tweet made on the occasion of International Youth Day, Shahid highlighted that the importance of youth participation especially in shaping decisions that impact their future.
In line with this, Shahid announced his intention to introduce the “PGA Youth Fellowship Program” in order to develop the next generation diplomats and civil servants from Least Developed Countries (LCDs), Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs), Small Islands Developing States (SIDS). Maldives is included among SIDS.
Shahid further detailed how the program will work in his tweet – that is by sending participants to New York for a years’ time where they will be given exposure to the United Nations system and developing them as strong advocates for multilateralism.
Minister Shahid was elected as the President of the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly during a voting held on July 7 in New York. He won the election with 143 votes, beating his rival, former Afghan Foreign Minister Zalmai Rassoul, who received 48 votes - out of a total of 191 votes.
Shahid will officially take his place as the President of the 76th General Assembly in September later this year.