Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem during a press conference on July 14, 2020. (Sun Photo/Fayaz Moosa)
Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem has issued special instructions to investigative agencies on conducting criminal investigations under three specific circumstances.
The special instructions were announced by Public Prosecutor Ahmed Shafeeu in a statement on Wednesday evening.
PG Shameem instructed that if an investigative agency discovers a case under its investigation is outside of its jurisdiction, it must refer the case to an investigative agency which has jurisdiction over the case as soon as possible.
He has also instructed that if an investigative agency discovers a case under its investigation involves a crime under the jurisdiction of another investigative agency, it must not wait for the investigation to be complete, but refer the component of the investigation related to the crime in question to the agency which has jurisdiction over the crime as soon as possible.
And thirdly, he has instructed that if investigative agencies make the decision to conduct a joint-investigation under Article 76 of the Criminal Procedure Code, it must be brought to the attention of the Prosecutor General’s Office.
PG Shameem issued the instructions under the authority vested in him under Article 223 (d) of the Constitution, and under Article 15 (d) of the Prosecutor General Act.