Criminal Court. (Sun Photo/Mohamed Afrah)
The Prosecutor General’s Office has filed motions with relevant courts requesting the conditional release of 30 suspects who have been ordered to jail pending the outcome of their trials.
Prosecutor General’s Office spokesperson Ahmed Shafeeu told Sun on Monday that the Home Ministry had sent a letter to the office requesting a review of the people who have been jailed pending the outcome of their trials and to ease their detention where possible as a measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in prisons.
Shafeeu said that the Prosecutor General’s Office had opened a review into the cases of the suspects who have been jailed pending the outcome of their trials.
He said that suspects accused of sexual offenses against children, accused of being involved in drug networks, accused of murder, or accused of involvement in serious cases of assaults or gang violence had not been considered for its review for conditional release.
“Following this review, motions have been filed for the conditional release of some 30 suspects,” said Shafeeu.
Shafeeu stressed that the suspects’ release from jail came with conditions, including that they may not leave Male’, must attend court, and must not be found in violation of another crime.
“If any of them is arrested on suspicion of another crime, they will be sent back to jail,” he said.
Criminal Court hearings, including remand hearings, are being held virtually. Several suspects who were being held in jail pending the outcome of their trials have been released following review of detention orders.