H. A. Thakandhoo.
H. A. Thakandhoo, on Saturday, declared an emergency situation and went under full lockdown after three of its residents tested positive for COVID-19 and it was placed under monitoring by the health authorities.
Sun has been informed the three people who tested positive were passengers of Kaaviya boat which had travelled to the island on April 15. Kaaviya boat remains under monitoring, and more passengers who travelled to Thakandhoo have been ordered to self-isolation.
Thakandho Council, on Saturday, announced a state of emergency, and announced restrictive measures which the island’s residents must abide by during the period.
The council has banned residents from venturing outside of their homes, and has suspended all travel in and out of the island.
Those facing difficulties in implementing social distancing measures between those suspected of being infected with COVID-19 and other household residents, and those facing difficulties in providing food and other basic necessities to people placed under quarantine have been instructed to reach out to the COVID-19 taskforce in Thakandhoo for assistance.
The council has stated it will make arrangements to have food and other essential delivered from shops to people placed under quarantine, and has instructed residents who require medical consultations to enter and exit the health center through the gates to the north by the pharmacy.
The council said it imposed the measures due to the significant number of people who had travelled on Kaaviya boat, and due to the majority of the island’s residents belonging to vulnerable groups; the elderly and people who take medication for chronic illnesses.
The measures were imposed through consultations with the COVID-19 taskforce, it said.
The council has asked for patience and cooperation from all residents.
Kaaviya had carried passengers to a number of islands in northern Maldives, all of which have been placed under monitoring. As virus cases continue to increase in northern islands, the government has announced it has begun using the quarantine and isolation facilities established in the region.