
We will not allow the issue of CoNI Report as an excuse to disrupt Majlis: Yameen

Abdullah Yamin Abdul Qayyoom, the Parliamentary Group Leader of the Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) and also the Minority Leader at the People’s Majlis, has vowed that PPM would not allow the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) to take the issue of CoNI Report as an excuse to obstruct and disrupt the sessions of the Majlis.

Yamin said that MDP won’t be allowed to make the claim that the government does not implement the recommendations at the Report of the Commission of National Inquiry (CoNI) as a pretext for trying to drive the Majlis into a deadlock.

Speaking to Sun Online, Yamin said that disruption of the People’s Majlis about the issue of CoNI Report is unacceptable. The Report stated that Mohamed Nasheed, the leader of MDP resigned not under unlawful duress as MDP claims, but voluntarily, paving way for a constitutional and lawful transfer of power in the Maldives on the 7th of February this year. The Commission, which was set up by the Maldivian government and endorsed by the Commonwealth as well as the UN published its Report on the close of last month.

Yamin said that if MDP believed that there were issues with the Report, they must submit their cases to institutions defined and created by law for looking into such cases. He also said that concerned bodies were already considering the Report.

Yamin said that MDP could raise their issues with the Report at the Majlis and pursue any course of action through the Committees of the Majlis too. He said that MDP “does not have any legal ground to throw out artificial justifications and pretexts to obstruct and impede the continuation of the sessions of the Majlis”.

Yamin also said that before MDP’s issues with the Report are investigated, President Nasheed’s acts of issuing unconstitutional and illegal orders on the security services, and his other unlawful and unconstitutional acts as President must be thoroughly investigated. Yamin also said that MDP must go to the court to determine if they are the opposition party or not, if they are not sure.

MDP Spokesperson, and Parliamentarian for Maafannu Uthuru Constituency, Malé, Imtiaz Fahmy told that the Majlis is “disrupted and sessions discontinued not because of the Rules of Procedure of the Majlis but because of the CoNI Report”.

Imtiaz also said that “the investigation of issues with the CoNI Report is the most serious national issue at present”.

Imtihaz had also said that to continue the Majlis peacefully, which party is the opposition and which party is the government must also be clear.

The Majlis is set to open Monday next week.
