One out of two children bathing in the sea have drowned and died in Adh. Mandhoo.
Police have informed that the child who died is Aishath Nafa of Ocean Villa, Adh. Mandhoo, and that she was two years and seven months old.
She was dead by the time she was taken to Mahibadhoo hospital at around 13:00 today.
The other child’s condition is improving, informs Mandhoo Council.
President of Mandhoo Council Ahmed Hassan said that the two children are cousins of about the same age.
He said that they were playing by a tree near the beach as they do every day, when the mother who was accompanying them went to fetch some juice, and the children decided to take a swim while she was away.
The two children were seen drowning by a person who happened to be in the sea at the time. One child was on the beach in the water, while the other was about 20 feet from the beach in the water, lying face down.
They vomited as he removed them from the water, and the child who was found further in the sea was already lifeless when she was taken to Mandhoo Health Post.