
Parliament to act as mediator in MDN controversy

Speaker of Parliament, Mohamed Nasheed. (Photo/Parliament)

The Speaker of the Parliament Mohamed Nasheed has stated that the Parliament intends to act as a mediatory party between those involved in the controversy caused by the MDN report.

“The Preliminary Assessment on Radicalization in the Maldives” by the Maldives Democracy Network has led to huge controversy and public debate that has resulted in accusations of blasphemy and even death threats issued. An emergency motion was also presented in Parliament yesterday regarding the report. 

Speaker Nasheed stated that 45 MPs had debated on the motion for nearly three hours yesterday and it was agreed by all MPs that the language used in the report was irreligious and inappropriate. Nasheed also stated that all MPS agreed the opinion and advice of religious scholars in the country must also be taken into account when a religious issue is being questioned. 

The report by MDN published three years ago has drawn public outrage and has now been withdrawn by the organization which has also publicly apologized for the report. Speaking further, Nasheed stated that he had contacted the Minister for Islamic Affairs, Home Minister, Education Minister and MDN regarding the controversy.

“My wish was to clarify to the youths of today, MDN and other organizations the language that results in the disapproval and anger of the public to this level in regards to religious issues.” Said Nasheed. He also stated that the main complaint received by MDN was the death threats received by the members and those linked with the members. Furthermore, Nasheed noted that many MPs had stated there was an ongoing campaign to limit and weaken the religion and its creed and values. These issues were to be inquired by the Parliament.

“I intend to find a middle ground of peace in this issue by holding talks with Ministers within the Parliament. Actions such as death threats and violence must not be carried out in any manner in a country, state, and community.” Said the Speaker.

He also stated that the most important responsibility of the Parliament was to uphold the main foundation of peace of public peace and solidarity which is the Constitution.

A case has been submitted to the Police by the Islamic Ministry regarding the alleged irreligious and blasphemous content of the MDP report, which the President has also promised to investigate.

