
Drawing figures is permitted, but conditional: Adhaalath Party

The Scholars’ Council of Adhaalath Party has issued a statement today, saying that the drawing of human and animal figures is permitted in Islam.

They said that it is permitted on the condition that the faces of the figures do not have recognisable features.

The statement says that it is hard for people to know what is right in relation to this issue, because some scholars say that drawing figures is forbidden, while others say that it is allowed but with certain limits, and some others interpret drawing figures as the creation of idols.

Adhaalath Party said that the issue of drawing figures is disputed among Muslim Scholars.

The statement includes evidence of scholars who say that it is allowed, as well as evidence of scholars who say that it is forbidden.

This statement comes following the opening ceremony of the art exhibition, organised by Adhaalath Party, at the National Art Gallery today.
