
Report on events of 6, 7 Feb to be completed this week

Human Rights Commission of Maldives (HRCM) has said that the investigation report on the events of 6 and 7 February 2012 will be completed and presented to the relevant authorities this week.

HRCM member Ahmed Abdul Kareem said today that the report is currently being compiled, and that the investigations are complete.

HRCM has earlier shared with reporters the incidents under investigation by the Commission.

They are Nasheed’s allegations that there were attempts to assassinate him on 7 February, violation of human rights at the protest at Artificial Beach on the night of 6 February, violation of human rights on 7 February, incidents which took place near MBC, and the demolition of MDP Haruge.

This investigation by HRCM does not include how the government changed on 7 February.
