
Fatal traffic collision in Fuvahmulah City

A fatal traffic collision has taken place in Fuvahmulah City severely injuring two others.

Sources say that the person who died in the collision is 17-year-old boy, Mohamed Mutheeu (Maalegan Avah), from Fuvahmulah, who completed Grade-10 this year.

Maldives Police Service said that the incident was reported around 7:15 p.m. tonight where two speeding motorcycles collided near the Fuvahmulah Airport on the tarmac road, NaibuNaibu Thuthu Magu.

The two others in critical condition, Jinaan Ali (Dhiguvaandu) and Mighdhad (Funaadhu) are also young men and are being treated at the ICU.

Managing Director of Fuvahmulah City Hospital, Mohamed Faruzad told Sun Media that the two people in critical condition suffered broken legs and facial injuries.
