
Zenysha: A child is harmed every single day

A child is harmed every single day in the Maldivian community, says Minister of Gender and Family, Zenysha Shaheed Zaki.

In her address on occasion of World’s Children Day, Zenysha said protection from acts of violence was the right of every child. But that statistics showed an act of violence was committed against a child every single day.

“The sad truth revealed from statistics, a child is harmed in this small community every day,” said Zenysha.

She said half of the cases filed with the ministry every month involved violence against children.

She said 480 child abuse cases have been submitted to the ministry within just the past four months; involving physical, emotional and sexual abuse against children.

In her address, Zenysha said the effects of abuse on the victim and families needed to be properly identified. She said child abuse had both social and economic implications.

Zenysha said any form of violence against a child was unacceptable. And that all acts child abuse was preventive.

“All forms of violence against children are preventive. Therefore, any child suffering violence without any help is unacceptable, especially in a small community such as Maldives,” said Zenysha.

Ministry Zenysha appealed to the community to be on the lookout for signs of abuse, and lend assistance to victims of child abuse.
