
State raises MVR 18.1M for Rohingya fund

MVR 18.1 million has been raised from the activities initiated by Ministry of Islamic Affairs to raise funds for Rohingya Muslims, says the ministry.

Speaking at a press conference this Tuesday, Minister of Islamic Affairs, Dr. Ahmed Ziyad Bagir said more than MVR 12 million was raised from the telethon run in collaboration with the local media. And that the total amount was raised to MVR 18.1 million with the money raised from the charity football match held in association with Football Association of Maldives (FAM).

Ziyad said all proceeds of the fund will be handed over to the Bangladesh Red Crescent via the Maldivian embassy in Bangladesh within a week’s time. He said the ministry was currently converting the proceeds to US dollars via Bank of Maldives.

Ziyad said the fund has received donations pledged to it by all State and private companies. But that the fund did not receive MVR 500,000 pledged to it by private citizens.
