
Value of State land in Male’ lowered; bidding re-opened

The value of State land offered for sale from Male’ City has been lowered and the bidding process re-opened, says Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure.

The announcement was made by Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure last Tuesday.

It was regarding three plots of land from the Dhandahilge property in front of Theemuge, six plots of land from the former garbage dump in Boduthakurufaanu Magu, and 10 plots of land from the STO property next to Villa College.

The opening bid has been lowered from MVR 15,000 per square foot to MVR 12,000 per square foot for the plots of land.

Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure announced interested parties need to send their bid proposals from October 16 to 31.

The Ministry announced the highest bid of each day will be published on the Ministry’s noticeboard and website the following day from 8 am onwards. The winner will be the party which proposes the highest rate over the given time period.

Information regarding the plots of land under the Land Ownership Program will be available for download from the Ministry’s website from October 15.
