Local organization in Maldives, Ismail Foundation has donated the MVR 1 million to help the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar.
Islamic Foundation said that the money they raised is being sent to the Rohingya Muslims through the international organization, Islamic Relief Worldwide.
The funds raised by the Islamic Foundation in 2011 to help the Somali Muslims were also sent via the Islamic Relief Worldwide.
The funds were presented by the President of the Islamic Foundation, Ibrahim Fauzee, Secretary General of the Organization, Ibrahim Nazim and the former Islamic Minister, Dr. Abdul Majeed Abdul Baree.
The Head of Humanitarian Program of the Islamic Relief Worldwide in Bangladesh, Ulam Muhthasim Billah accepted the funds on behalf of the organization.
Local TV station MVTV is joining the trip by the Islamic Foundation to check on the state of the Rohingya Muslims.
The Islamic Foundation said that the current visits have provided clothing to the Rohingya Muslims living in refugee camps.
Some island councils, private organizations and state institutes along with the general public has supported the Islamic Foundation in providing aid to the Rohingya Muslims.