
Opposition MPs: No confidence against Maseeh will hold

MPs of the opposition has said that the no confidence motion against the Speaker of the parliament, Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed with 45 signatures are still valid and would hold.

Since the no confidence motion was filed, the Election Commission has declared that six parliamentarians have lost their seat; all six MPs signed the no confidence motion. At least 42 signatures are required to file a no confidence motion at the parliament.

But with six MPs losing their seat, the parliament has decided that the no confidence motion against Maseeh.

Speaking at an opposition press conference at Kunooz, Jumhooree Party's Ali Hussain, the MP for Kendhoo constituency, said that the no confidence motion against Maseeh is still valid and believe to carry legal weight.

MP Ali Hussain said that the MPs who signed the motion not being at the parliament does not negate the validity of the motion and indicated to a bill by the late-MP Afrasheem, who was murdered, saying that the parliament has previously proven that it is not an issue.

He said that there is no doubt about the legitimacy of the signatures on the no confidence motion that they are of the members of the parliament and so the case is still valid.
