Maldives Media Council (MMC) has made the decision not to probe into complaints filed against reporters over alleged defamation of First Lady Fathimath Ibrahim due uncertainty as to who filed the complaints.
40 complaints against reporters claiming defamation of First Lady Fathimath Ibrahim were filed in the name of Ali Khalid, former Chief Communications Officer at President’s Office.
Following news of the complaints, President’s Office stated last Monday that it has not filed any complaint with MMC over any media station or reporter. And Ali Khalid reported to “Sun” he never asked MMC to penalize any reporter in any way.
“Sun” has been informed that following the statements, MMC made the decision during a meeting held last Monday night not to pursue the cases.
“Sun” called President of MCC, Abdul Mueed Hassan for details regarding the issue. Mueed stated that he cannot disclose details of the cases, but that a letter regarding the issue will be sent to media stations.