The unexpected death of 20-year-old Maldivian model and medical student Raudha Athif in Bangladesh has left her family bereaved and struggling to find answers as to the truth behind her death.
Raudha was found hanging from the ceiling fan in her dorm room at Islami Bank Medical College in Rajshahi, Bangladesh, on March 29.
Raudha’s death is currently under investigation by Rajshahi Metropolitan Police, closely overseen by Maldives Police Service.
Assistant Commissioner of Police, Detective Branch, Rajshahi Metropolitan Police, Alamin Hussain reported this Thursday that the police have taken statements from Raudha’s parents and her younger brother, and that the investigation is still ongoing.
Raudha’s family reports they have now left Rajshahi and are in Dhaka.
“We are going to wait here and meet lawyers,” said Raudha’s mother, Aminath Muharrima.
The family believes Raudha did not commit suicide but was murdered. They family says they saw signs of manual strangulation on her neck – something the Bangladesh police denies.
Raudha’s body was found by Seerat Parveen Mohamed from Kashmir – Raudha’s closest friend at the college.
She is also the main suspect in the case, and her phone has been confiscated by the police at the request of Raudha’s family.