Popular comedian Yoosuf Rafeeu (Yoosey)’s long-running comedy show “Dhiriulhumakee Meebaa” is coming to Sun Media Group’s SunTV the coming Ramadan.
“Dhiriulhumakee Meeba” is a production of Buhari Films.
The agreement between Sun Media Group and Buhari Films granting the rights to telecast the series was signed in a function held this Thursday by CEO of Sun Media Group, Sinaan Ali and Yoosey from Buhari Films.
SunTV will play new episodes of “Dhiriulhumakee Meebaa” every week as well as old episodes of “Dhiriulhumakee Meeba” every night the coming Ramadan.
CEO Sinaan Ali said “Dhiriulhumakee Meeba” was the country’s most popular comedy series and that television channels which telecasted the comedy also gained a huge boost in popularity.
Sinaan said he was happy to gain the opportunity to telecast the comedy coming Ramadan.
“We tried previous months of Ramadan. Tried last year as well. But we didn’t get the opportunity one way or the other. Like I said before, given the huge demand for this show, some party would have already made the agreement. I am actually very happy Yoosey gave this show to us. Yoosey gave the commitment as soon as the previous year’s episodes were done being telecasted,” said Sinaan.
Meanwhile, Yoosey said he had always had a close relationship with SunTV, and that he was happy with the news and shows telecasted by the channel.
Yoosey said he was happy to be working with SunTV, and invited everyone to tune into SunTV to watch “Dhiriulhumakee Meeba” coming Ramadan.