Deputy President of A. A. Atoll Council, Moosa Naeem and five more individuals have been arrested from A. A. Ukulhas.
Deputy President of Ukulhas Council, Abdulla Firaq reported to “Sun” that the six people were arrested by police in the late hours of last Sunday night.
Police media official confirmed six individuals were arrested from Ukulhas on Sunday night as part of an ongoing investigation, but declined to make any further comment.
Deputy President of Ukulhas Council, Firaq said the men were arrested due to a “grave” made in jest between two houses on the island – Noovillage and Maajehige – on last Friday night, February 3.
Firaq said that some of those arrested had no involvement in the incident.
He also said that the “grave” was a prank carried out in open, in front of a large number of people. And that a police officer in plainclothes arrived at the scene that night and destroyed the “grave” and leveled the ground.
“Even those who mad the “grave” cooperated with the policeman. The policeman leveled the ground where the “grave” was built in presence of everyone. The policemen himself jested it was the first time in history for a single policeman to stop a political activity,” said Firaq.