

Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has said that it will not hesitate to take the necessary action to fight corruption.

In a statement released today, ACC said that it will monitor to ensure that the projects undertaken by state institutions are free of corruption, and take the necessary action to halt any illegal practices.

Meanwhile, Malaysia’s Nexbiz has accused ACC of violating the law, and filed a case requesting for a court order to prohibit ACC from publicly addressing the issue of the Border Control System project until the court issues a ruling on the case.

ACC said in their statement that some groups are accusing ACC of having provided baseless information to media on the Border Control System case.

ACC sent the case on Border Control System project to Prosecutor General’s (PG) office on 7 December 2011, following suspicion of corruption and the collection of substantial evidence against those involved.

ACC had made eleven allegations in the case pertaining to the Border Control System project.

ACC assured that it had not relayed wrong information to the media, and said that ACC is not responsible for the information relayed to media by those who file complaints to ACC.

Nexbiz has resumed the $39 million Border Control System project, following annulment by Supreme Court of High Court orders issued on this case.

Following the installation of the Border Control System, every passenger arriving in and departing from Maldives will be charged $2, and every visa application and renewal will be charged $15.
